
Current Muhurtas

In any daytime there are certain periods, which have special meaning.

Yama Ghantaka

{[kalams.yg.start]} - {[kalams.yg.end]}

Rishi Vasishtha: "Yama Ghantaka should always be avoided in any Muhurta for auspicious (Shubha) activity". It is considered that any activity (especially travelling) started during the period of Yama Ghantaka pushes the one towards to death.

Abhijeet Muhurta

{[kalams.am.start]} - {[kalams.am.end]}

Abhijit Muhurta is one of the most auspicious and powerful criteria for initiating all types of works.

Brahma Muhurta

{[kalams.bm.start]} - {[kalams.bm.end]}

Brahma Muhurta is optimal for waking up as well as any activity connected to spiritual practices (such as Hatha Yoga, Dhyana (meditation), etc), creating, planning, projections etc.

Gulikā Kalām

{[kalams.gk.start]} - {[kalams.gk.end]}

According to Jyotish knowledge Gulika Kalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.

Rahu Kalām

{[kalams.rk.start]} - {[kalams.rk.end]}

According to Jyotish knowledge Rahu Kaalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.

Monthly Panchanga calendar


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The concept of Zodiac Signs

The concept of Kala Purusha, the Cosmic Man, is a very abstruse philosophical principle. All astrological predictions, in fact, are derived from the relationship existing between Kala Purusha and the individual human being whose future is under consideration. The assumptions underlying this relationship have never been spelled out, but a little imagination will reveal that the universal life-principle pervades the entire universe which, according to its own rhythm, has been externalizing all forms of creation in subjective as well as objective existence.

What the concept of Kala Purusha essentially represents has only been discussed in religious-philosophical treatises. The Cosmic Man is imagined as an entity incredibly large, but this symbol of an infinitely huge man is only an approximation of the underlying concept — the extension of the human organism in all possible psychic and temporal dimensions. Kala Purusha is an all-pervading universal reality, a stream of omniscient consciousness ever engaged in externalizing inner potentiality into actual objective reality. The finality of this process is still in the womb of universal possibility; the splendor and power of this realization transcends all human imagination: the only certainty is that an immutable law operates behind all forms of creation. One may even consider this law either as the expression of Kala Purusha or as Kala Purusha himself.

Etymologically, Kala Purusha is related to the positive creative principle operating in time. Primeval subjective potentiality externalizes Time and Duration, wherein all forms of evolving entities are produced. Nothing flows back to this ever active cosmic energy: it is ever in all forms of creation and at all levels of functioning. Pleasure and pain, creation and destruction, attraction and repulsion, all feelings, emotions, and thoughts, are part of this Cosmic Man who remains unaffected by the backward reflection of creation. Kala Purusha is always a positive influence, the personification of Eternal Time which causes the universe to revolve around itself. The Cosmic Man is apparent in everyday phenomena — as is evident in political astrology and in the expression of human feelings and emotions, efforts and disappointments, sickness and health which make up the subject matter of natal astrology. The vibration of this universal principle, the breathing of Kala Purusha, can be felt in the rise and fall of human civilizations, the changes in the earth's vast continents, the birth and death of the universe.

Astrologically considered, the various zodiacal signs are the inward rhythmic pulses of the Cosmic Man. Operating on the universal level, these zodiacal impulses are expressed as different phases of manifestation. Mesha (Aries) represents the unity between the subjective and objective states of being. It exemplifies readiness to go forth and create, but no action has so far been taken on the objective plane; motivation has arisen for creative involvement, but actualization of the intention is yet in the womb of potential.

The process of actualization begins with Vrishabha (Taurus), which expresses the polarization between subjective and objective. "I" and "Thou," impulse and expression, Spirit and Matter, God and his creation, begin to crystallize at this stage.

Mithuna (Gemini) represents the interaction between the subjective and objective. The union between the Mother and Father principles, copulation between male and female, and the journeys of Rishi (Sage) Narada between the realms of gods and men are symbolic expressions of the third zodiacal impulse. At Karkata (Cancer), the Great Depth, the animamundi or Hiranyagarbha, the store-house of human potential is identified. Time and Duration are made manifest, marking the first concretization of the subjective principle. The essence or heart of man has been formed: the blood can circulate through the body.

When the semen of the Father sinks into the Hiranyagarbha or womb of the Mother and the incarnating soul takes its first karmic steps, that stage is indicated by Simha (Leo).

With this emergence of new creative energy there is a further movement towards self-generating creative activity. A greater quantum of human potential is actualized, but such activity can never, under the existing laws of nature, go unchallenged. The dichotomies of action-reaction, effort-struggle, difficulties and trials, all with a view to obtaining something from within one's own self or displaying one's creative and sustaining capacities, come within the domain of Kanya (Virgo).

The immersion of creative energy in matter has reached its lowest depth now. The downward impulse results in frustration as the primeval spark continues to long for expansion. A sort of balance between materiality and spirituality occurs, wherein the thirst for material, sensuous experience is counterbalanced by the possibility of spiritualization of the self. This is what Tula (Libra) represents.

When such a possibility dawns on the incarnating soul, a kind of churning process takes place. The dark and hidden counterpart of the self is activated. Revolutions, cataclysms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the life of the individual as in the outer world. Hidden difficulties, diseases, problems with relationships all come to the surface. What was hidden is exposed, purged in order to pave the way for the awakening of the Buddhic consciousness. This is the realm of Vrshchika (Scorpio). It provides a new foundation for human transformation.

Dhanu (Sagittarius) is a fiery impulse which burns away the old, destroys the material, and purifies the alchemical gold which is the essential pristine nature in man. The unwanted chips are chiseled away from the scaffolding of one's emotions and goals. Smoke and dirt are cleansed so that "the image slumbering in the stone," as Nietzsche would have called it, can come to the surface.

The individual is transformed and his consciousness is merged in the universal consciousness. His pituitary gland is activated and his consciousness is established in the universal stream. This is where Makara (Capricorn) operates. The current now flows in a radically different direction. In Kumbha (Aquarius), the individual works under Divine inspiration; heaven descends to earth and there is social transformation. Humanity is prepared for a new kind of relationship; a new civilization dawns under this impulse. This is the stage where the one universal life is released. With such a new dawn, the old order ends and a new beginning takes place.

If Kumbha (Aquarius) represents the seeds for a new cycle of manifestation, Meena (Pisces) heralds the close of one cycle and the readiness to begin the next. Kala Purusha rests on his feet before taking the next step.

Such an orderly exposition of inward impulses of the Cosmic Man is not merely a well-integrated philosophical system, but strikingly reveals the celestial impact on the everyday experiences of man. One of the uses of the Kala Purusha concept is to superimpose his personified human form on the natal chart of the individual to assess the vitality of the different aspects of his life. With the personified Cosmic Man, one may associate the various yogic force-centers or chakras emanating from different parts of the human body. Depending upon which chakras are activated, different kinds of paranormal forces are energized and related faculties strengthened. On superimposing the personified representation of Kala Purusha, one will find some of the chakras lying within the zone of certain house divisions. The literature on yoga identifies seven such chakras, each with a specialized function and operating in a different part of the human body. The Muladhara or Root Chakra is located at the base of the spinal cord where the Serpent Fire or kundalini lies coiled. The Svadhisthana or Sexual Chakra is ruled by Tula, while Vrshchika has dominion over the Muladhara. The vitality flowing from the Surya (Sun) is absorbed by the Svadhisthana Chakra. Part of that vitality nourishes sexual urges while another portion of it is directed to the Manipura or Navel Chakra, coming under the rulership of Kanya, which produces various sensitivities and feelings. The Anahata or Heart Chakra in the zone of Karkata, receiving its share of solar energy, enables the individual to understand the nature and feelings of other people and life forms. When the energy flows to the Vishuddha or Throat Chakra in the region of Mithuna , the individual acquires the faculty of clair audience. At the Ajna Chakra, located between the eyebrows in the region of Vrishabha, the individual can maintain continuity of consciousness between dreams and waking life, as well as between different incarnations. Reaching the Sahasrara or Crown Chakra under Mesha, the individual is said to attain liberation and is free from the bondage of birth and death.

From the above, it can be observed that the last three chakras (Vishudha, Ajna and Sahasrara) are concerned with higher levels of consciousness, while Anahata (Heart Chakra) purifies human emotions and produces sympathy and compassion. The first three chakras (Muladhara, Svadhisthana and Manipura) are more concerned with the nourishment of physical and psychic faculties. On rinding the relationship between these chakras with different house divisions of the horoscope, one may comprehend the deeper forces activating the various levels of one's being and the direction towards which they are channeled.

The diagrammatic representation of Kala Purusha appended shows the relationship between different parts of his body and the zodiacal signs. Mesha (Aries) represents the head of Kala Purusha, Vrishabha (Taurus) his face, and Mithuna (Gemini) his neck and the upper portion of his chest and shoulders. Karkata (Cancer) is connected with his heart, Simha (Leo) with his stomach, Kanya (Virgo) with his navel, Tula (Libra) with his intestines, Vrshchika (Scorpio) with his generative organs, Dhanu (Sagittarius) with his thighs, Makara (Capricorn) with his knee joints, Kumbha (Aquarius) with his calves and Meena (Pisces) with his feet. The soul of Kala Purusha is represented by the Surya (Sun); Chandra (Moon) is his mind, Buddha (Mercury) his speech, Mangala (Mars) his strength, Guru (Jupiter) his wisdom and happiness, Shukra (Venus) his sexual life and Shani (Saturn) his misery.

By studying the nature of the signs and planets in relation to Kala Purusha, the astrologer succeeds in predicting the strength and well-being of different aspects of the individual's life. The association of these features with the natal chart of the individual is very useful, especially hi relation to physical health. In the case of afflicted Mesha (Aries), there could be head injuries, brain defects, etc; the kind of affliction depends upon the nature and strength of the afflicting planets.

Such associations lead to numerous predictive possibilities. Physical maladies, marital relationships, professional hazards, the general direction of life and its different aspects are all easily understood by superimposing the concept of Kala Purusha on the horoscope of the individual. This will show how the universal life-force wishes to direct the life of the individual; it will show the direction of his Divine pilgrimage. Astrologically, the concept is immensely productive, opening many deeper aspects of prediction which reveal the unknown depths of the individual, but also linking him with the greater source which is always close to him, assisting and directing him to his goal.

Rahu and Ketu signify one born in low caste, dissatisfied, fond of travelling, telling lie, harsh in speech, involved in unnatural sex. They also indicate change of residence, ill health, dual marriage, serpents, mosquitoes, insects, spices, southwest direction etc.

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