In any daytime there are certain periods, which have special meaning.
Rishi Vasishtha: "Yama Ghantaka should always be avoided in any Muhurta for auspicious (Shubha) activity". It is considered that any activity (especially travelling) started during the period of Yama Ghantaka pushes the one towards to death.
Abhijit Muhurta is one of the most auspicious and powerful criteria for initiating all types of works.
Brahma Muhurta is optimal for waking up as well as any activity connected to spiritual practices (such as Hatha Yoga, Dhyana (meditation), etc), creating, planning, projections etc.
According to Jyotish knowledge Gulika Kalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.
According to Jyotish knowledge Rahu Kaalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.
With help of our unique Favorability Chart You can evaluate favorability of any moment in time with help of numerous parameters of vedic astrology.
This particular chart shows overall favourability for today based on Your current location - Columbus, Ohio, United States. Vertical string denotes current moment of Jan 27, 2025, 9:57 PM.
Show detailed Favorability ChartBelow You can find the information on geolocation used for all calculations on the VedicTime by default.
Settings of current section change the display of Janma Kundali (birth chart).
...subject to radical transmutation: everyday experiences can be transformed into ideas and ideas into ideals. Dhanu (Sagittarius) enables the Divine Spirit to illuminate die inner man. Vrshchika leads to an awakening of consciousness. If this impulse operates... or eminent in its class. The maleness of Vrishabha (Taurus) symbolizes its role as a storehouse of procreative energy. When engaged hi an activity, the Vrishabha (Taurus) person can work unceasingly at it, even if it is repetitive, till the desired...
...its destiny. Makara (Capricorn) refers to the involvement of the individual in the process of the universalization of human energy. During the interaction of such forces there may be hardship and suffering. Under this impulse, consciousness begins to link...
...which means the end, and Yasha, which means glory. All these are veiled references to the stage of achievement where the struggle is over and one has reached the end. During the Piscean process there is constant progress. At the end, the acme of achievement...
...shape depending upon the vessel in which it is kept. Water is formless, colorless, and odorless, but it is also the sustaining energy of all life. Cancer provides sustenance: the differentiation of cosmic ideation in space and time is an expression of this...
...Kumbha Aquarius Kumbha (Aquarius) is both the water-bearer and the water flowing from the pitcher. Water stands for the cosmic life force, the universal solvent which quenches the thirst of all and transmutes base metal into gold; it absolves the individual...
...Daghda Tithi burnt lunar day If Surya (Sun) transits through certain Rashi during even Tithis, they can become Dagdha or burnt Tithis. Dagdha Tithis are known as inauspicious for starting any kind of work (as it's written in classical Jyotirvidyabharanam)...
...will be guided by this energy at various levels of his existence, the ways in which this energy manifests are not well known; Vrshchika's (Scorpio) impact is often considered difficult to comprehend. In ordinary individuals this energy works on the sex life...
...anything else. Simha (Leo) is self-centered, aspiring, ambitious, and arrogant; it is fierce in action, calculating in sexual encounters, choosy in social relationships. Etymologically, Simha means "the protector of its followers," and those who align themselves...
...Mithuna Gemini Mithuna (Gemini), which means a pair, twins, sexual union or a junction, is the third sign of the zodiac and stands for divine creative activity, which is made to operate by the polarization of Spirit and Matter. Though the sign is...