
Current Muhurtas

In any daytime there are certain periods, which have special meaning.

Yama Ghantaka

{[kalams.yg.start]} - {[kalams.yg.end]}

Rishi Vasishtha: "Yama Ghantaka should always be avoided in any Muhurta for auspicious (Shubha) activity". It is considered that any activity (especially travelling) started during the period of Yama Ghantaka pushes the one towards to death.

Abhijeet Muhurta

{[kalams.am.start]} - {[kalams.am.end]}

Abhijit Muhurta is one of the most auspicious and powerful criteria for initiating all types of works.

Brahma Muhurta

{[kalams.bm.start]} - {[kalams.bm.end]}

Brahma Muhurta is optimal for waking up as well as any activity connected to spiritual practices (such as Hatha Yoga, Dhyana (meditation), etc), creating, planning, projections etc.

Gulikā Kalām

{[kalams.gk.start]} - {[kalams.gk.end]}

According to Jyotish knowledge Gulika Kalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.

Rahu Kalām

{[kalams.rk.start]} - {[kalams.rk.end]}

According to Jyotish knowledge Rahu Kaalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.

Monthly Panchanga calendar


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This particular chart shows overall favourability for today based on Your current location - Seattle, Washington, United States. Vertical string denotes current moment of Sep 12, 2024, 1:08 AM.

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This creation is the result of long-term work based on deep knowledge and a desire to create the best product of its kind.

The following features are available to you: personal horoscopes with the ability to publish, analysis and search for suitable time, including complex algorithms for determining auspiciousness, interactive calendar - Panchang, convenient search for transits with the ability to select the period scale, partners compatibility calculation, interactive Jyotish Guru based on artificial intelligence, registration and login in 2 clicks, and much more.

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Name, Surname Date of birth Country Added by
Ал*** Пе*** Jun 27, 2000, 12:38 PM Russia lo***@gmail.com
Di*** Sh*** Oct 16, 1966, 3:30 AM India as***@gmail.com
Sh*** Sh*** Feb 4, 1968, 11:15 AM India as***@gmail.com
Pu*** May 30, 1996, 10:45 AM India fa***@gmail.com
Ан*** Jul 18, 1984, 1:30 PM Ukraine pl***@gmail.com
Ма*** Ма*** May 2, 1989, 7:03 AM Russia an***@yandex.ru
Ma*** Jun 8, 1995, 7:40 AM India fa***@gmail.com
Ch*** Gr*** Oct 1, 1993, 12:00 AM South Africa li***@gmail.com
Дм*** Oct 10, 1979, 7:48 AM Russia ce***@yandex.ru
Ki*** Ri*** Sep 27, 1980, 12:34 PM Hungary mi***@gmail.com
Ар*** Ги*** Apr 4, 1988, 4:00 AM Russia li***@gmail.com
Ан*** Ба*** Apr 19, 1989, 4:00 AM Russia ap***@hotmail.com
Go*** Dec 26, 1989, 12:04 AM Ethiopia gg***@gmail.com
Dm*** Dec 26, 1989, 11:57 PM Ethiopia hd***@gmail.com
Ro*** Jé*** Nov 4, 1994, 5:50 PM Réunion so***@gmail.com

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