
Current Muhurtas

In any daytime there are certain periods, which have special meaning.

Yama Ghantaka

{[kalams.yg.start]} - {[kalams.yg.end]}

Rishi Vasishtha: "Yama Ghantaka should always be avoided in any Muhurta for auspicious (Shubha) activity". It is considered that any activity (especially travelling) started during the period of Yama Ghantaka pushes the one towards to death.

Abhijeet Muhurta

{[kalams.am.start]} - {[kalams.am.end]}

Abhijit Muhurta is one of the most auspicious and powerful criteria for initiating all types of works.

Brahma Muhurta

{[kalams.bm.start]} - {[kalams.bm.end]}

Brahma Muhurta is optimal for waking up as well as any activity connected to spiritual practices (such as Hatha Yoga, Dhyana (meditation), etc), creating, planning, projections etc.

Gulikā Kalām

{[kalams.gk.start]} - {[kalams.gk.end]}

According to Jyotish knowledge Gulika Kalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.

Rahu Kalām

{[kalams.rk.start]} - {[kalams.rk.end]}

According to Jyotish knowledge Rahu Kaalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.

Monthly Panchanga calendar


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This particular chart shows overall favourability for today based on Your current location - Columbus, Ohio, United States. Vertical string denotes current moment of Mar 26, 2025, 12:33 AM.

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Vrishabha (Taurus), the bull, is the second sign of the zodiac. The bull has been assigned a respected place in most world religions as a symbol of all the auspicious things in life. Social position, security, ease and comforts, wealth, progeny, vitality and a passionate nature are some of the characteristics of this sign. This is so because at this stage the unborn potential (Mesha (Aries)) becomes a creative urge which makes objective manifestation possible. At this stage there is a simultaneous attraction and repulsion which produces tremendous sexuality, materiality, and enjoyment of the pleasures of life. And yet the activity, motion, and adventurous spirit of Mesha (Aries) is lacking here, which makes the person comfort-loving, passive, content, and desirous of staying close to the birthplace rather than moving around in search of new experiences. A bull is physically powerful. It has a tremendous capacity to breed. The very word Vrishabha means any male animal, anything best or eminent in its class. The maleness of Vrishabha (Taurus) symbolizes its role as a storehouse of procreative energy. When engaged hi an activity, the Vrishabha (Taurus) person can work unceasingly at it, even if it is repetitive, till the desired result is achieved. There is a symbiotic relationship between the Vrishabha's individual and his environment. Just as an oak tree becomes a permanent part of its landscape, a Vrishabha (Taurus) will want to "belong" to a permanent scene. Even so there is no satiety and stasis; there is always an urge to be creative and continue the evolutionary movement.

Vrishabha (Taurus) is feminine, earthy, and a fixed sign. These characteristics, however, must be carefully understood. Vrishabha (Taurus) is considered feminine, earthy and fixed because these qualities reveal the special creative nature of the sign. Procreation is the most sublime function of the female. The feminine nature is passive, yet full of desire and emotion centering on the female role in creation. Sexual activity is the supreme goal of the female. The earthiness of Vrishabha (Taurus) describes it as "downward," that is, "earth-ward" movement. Vrishabha (Taurus) represents the nature of the individual rather than his activity, as indicated by the fact that it is "fixed" rather than moving in any special direction. No planet is debilitated in this sign because the creative cannot let any force remain negative: Chandra (Moon) is exalted here and Shukra (Venus) owns the sign. These suggest a zone of influence where consciousness and sensitivity are in a highly alert condition.

Specific actions and works that are suitable for initiation during Chandra in Uttara Phalguni (another name - Uttara): Manglik (auspicious) works, Upanayana, Seemanta, marriage.

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