In any daytime there are certain periods, which have special meaning.
Rishi Vasishtha: "Yama Ghantaka should always be avoided in any Muhurta for auspicious (Shubha) activity". It is considered that any activity (especially travelling) started during the period of Yama Ghantaka pushes the one towards to death.
Abhijit Muhurta is one of the most auspicious and powerful criteria for initiating all types of works.
Brahma Muhurta is optimal for waking up as well as any activity connected to spiritual practices (such as Hatha Yoga, Dhyana (meditation), etc), creating, planning, projections etc.
According to Jyotish knowledge Gulika Kalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.
According to Jyotish knowledge Rahu Kaalam is a very negative (Ashubha) period of time every day that should be shunned for all auspicious and beneficial activities.
With help of our unique Favorability Chart You can evaluate favorability of any moment in time with help of numerous parameters of vedic astrology.
This particular chart shows overall favourability for today based on Your current location - United States. Vertical string denotes current moment of Feb 13, 2025, 1:24 PM.
Show detailed Favorability ChartBelow You can find the information on geolocation used for all calculations on the VedicTime by default.
Settings of current section change the display of Janma Kundali (birth chart).
...Sukarma "good work/action/karma" Sukarma is the 7th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga, which is ruled by Indra and considered to be benefic. Its effect usually is described as "good work", "work, correctly done". Graha, who's ruling Sukarma, is Mangala (Mars)....
...Indra "leader" Indra is the 26th Nitya (Naisargika) Yoga, which is ruled by Pitar Devata and considered to be benefic. Its effect usually described as "leader", "the king of Devatas". Graha, who's ruling Indra, is Rahu. Indra is the 26th Nitya (Naisargika)...
...they are also suited for jobs that involve high levels of responsibility. These people normally enjoy good health. They are full of vigor and enthusiasm, often working long hours continuously. Because of their addiction to certain kinds of food and the...
...should be initiated during Chandra in Jyeshta: cruel works that related to any harmful actions or war;attack, killing of enemy, spying, trading of weapons, commanding army;iron and stone works, stone quarry;art (handicraft or mechanical), poetry, painting...
...Vishakha ruled by Guru and Shakragni Specific actions and works that should be initiated during Chandra in Vishakha: art, handicraft, ornaments, clothes; iron & steel works; dance, music; transportation, chariot, travelling; tying of animals; attack;...
...shoulders. Female Natives Females born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results mentioned for the male natives of Jyeshta Nakshatra. In addition, they will enjoy the following results: 1. Physical appearance: Well proportioned...
...Bava Shubha, moving, ruled by Surya and Indra Bava (Bāva) is Shubha (benefic), moving Karana, ruled by Indra, suitable for: development, expansion, strength, vigor, short life-span works, fixed & movable works, religious deeds. Surya is Graha, who's ruling...